Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weeks 14-15: Archetypes

Our focus for this class is on monsters and heroes. Many characters in myths and literature/movies have a certain model that they're based on, called an archetype.

Go to the website Find different types of hero/heroine/villain archetypes. Share your thoughts with the class. What is an archetype? What are examples of archetypes.

Second, share some ideas about the archetypes we are viewing in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Make sure to have FOUR entries for these two weeks!


Anonymous said...

An archetype is a typical, cardboard cutout hero that people have seen before.

Different archetypes are:

1.The Chief: a dynamic leader, he has time for nothing but work. He might have been born to lead, or perhaps he conquered his way to the top, but either way, he’s tough, decisive, goal-oriented. That means he is also a bit overbearing and inflexible.
The PROFESSOR: coolly analytical, he knows every answer. He’s logical, introverted, and inflexible, but genuine about his feelings. At work, he likes cold, hard facts, thank you very much, but he's also honest and faithful, and won’t let you down.
Both of these hero types are like Giles on Buffy. He exemplifies qualities of both.

The BAD BOY: dangerous to know, he walks on the wild side. This is the rebel, or the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. He’s bitter and volatile, a crushed idealist, but he's also charismatic and street smart.
Spike in Buffy.

The BEST FRIEND: sweet and safe, he never lets anyone down. He's kind, responsible, decent, a regular Mr. Nice Guy. This man doesn't enjoy confrontation and can sometimes be unassertive because he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. But he'll always be there.
Xander in Buffy.

Anonymous said...

Frodo fits the "Warrior" archetype. Though he gives up, he does not, and he seems to always do what is right, even if it isn't necessarily the best thing.

Gollum fits the profile of the "Lost Soul" archetype. He is brooding and tortured, and he is in outcast, however, he proves to be a valuable resource to the main heroes.

Sam is the most easily identifiable. He is "The Best Friend." He never wants to hurt anyone, and he is always there for his friends.

I wasn't really sure how to describe the villains, though.

Anonymous said...

The Chief: Frodo fits this discription because he is the one who has the ring but I wouldnt say he is a natural born leader... more of a leader because of what he has.

The Professor: Gandalf is the wisest and the smartest when it comes to saving and finding the easiest way to get to a place.

The Bad Boy: Strider fits the discription of this because in the first movie he pretty much saves the hobbits lives in the bar type thing.

The Best Friend: This would be Sam he sticks with Frodo throughout the whole adventure.

This is what I think.

Anonymous said...

An Archetype is the different forms and types of heroes, Heroines, and Villians

1.The Traitor:the double agent, he betrays those who trust him most. No one suspects the evil that lurks in his heart. Despite supportive smiles and sympathetic ears, he plots the destruction of his friends. Never turn your back on him -- he means you harm.
Ex- Saurumon from the lord of the rings.

The Tyrant:the bullying despot, he wants power at any price. He ruthlessly conquers all he surveys, crushing his enemies beneath his feet. People are but pawns to him, and he holds all the power pieces. Hesitate before getting in this man’s way – he’ll think nothing of destroying you. ex-King Galbatorix

Sadist: the savage predator, he enjoys cruelty for its own sake. Violence and psychological brutality are games to this man; and he plays those games with daring and skill. Run, don’t walk, away from this man – he’ll tear out your heart, and laugh while doing it. Ex-Mike Myers from Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Saurumon is an example of a traitor he was a helper of Rohan and Gondor but then started a war against all middle earth.

Sauron is a tyrant he uses his power to try to take over middle earth and uses Saurumon and all his army's like pawns on a chess board.

The Orcs are all examples of Sadists they love causing pain and suffering to all around them, they will butcher you on site.

Wormtounge is an example of the Devil he uses his charm and spells to take over the mind of Theoden the king of Rohan.

Anonymous said...

The traitor I think is Gollum, although he doesn't give up on Frodo and Sam he gives up on the ring and the evil he posses and that one way or another is the qualities of a traitor.

Also when Rohan's king is under an evil spell his son is forced to turn against his father because of the evil upon him, so to me this is a traitor even though it was the best thing for everyone and it ended up helping most everyone... except himself because he dies... he kills a whole bunch of orcs though!

Anonymous said...

Brittany- there are many different archetypes in the lord of the Rings I would say that Sam is the best freind in the archetype because like karen said in the best friend archetype it says never lets anyone down it would take a true friend to stay by frodo's side exspecially in his times of danger. All I know is if I knew I would get chased by those ugly orc's I wouldnt go.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Brittany is right, how could anyone still go on with an adventure even though you know that the Orcs could and most probably kill you and the whole trip you must try and save your friend.

But although Sam is a best friend to Frodo later in the movie, he didn't choose to go on the trip... which makes me wonder why he actually stuck with Frodo when he could have turned and gone back to the shire.

To me that means he must have wanted to go to begin with and instead of volunteering he was volunteered to go.

The Chief:
Huh, its going against what I said before about Frodo being the Chief but in a way Sam could be part of the reason why Frodo is the chief, without Sam Frodo would have quit and given up entirely without Sam backing him all the way. So I will say Sam is in the Chief category.

Anonymous said...

The Chief: I would say Frodo is the chief. he keeps trying to get to Mordor were he can destroy the ring once and for all. He won't stop until his deed is done. He is a natural leader.
The Professor: I would say Gandalf was the professor. He is very wise and knows all the answers.
The Bad Boy: I think Strider is the bad boy. He tends to take a walk on the wild side but in the end hes always there for his friends when they are in need.
The Best Friend: The Best friend to me would be sam. He will do anything to pretect Frodo from harm. he is a true friend because he risks his life for him.

Anonymous said...

The sadist: I would say the orcs are the sadist. They will do anything to get what they want, destroying anything or anyone in there path.
The Traitor: The traitor would have to be Sauraman the white wizard. He use to be good but it seems the ring has tooken hold of him. He has now joined the dark side.

Anonymous said...

The Evil Genius: The White Wizard, he is smart, evil and likes people; especially Gandalf to know this about him. At first glance you would assume that he is a good wizard after all he is wearing white but don't believe he is helping anyone but himself, the white is just a cover up.

The Outcast:Gollum is the outcast, he wants to belong but in someways he doesn't want to because he has trouble trusting people, especially when they have the ring or know the person who has it.

The Backstabber: Gollum is two-faced, he has an evil and good side that when it comes down to the final miles of the journey he wants to kill Frodo and Sam but that is just the evil side controlling the good. He will help Frodo and Sam and then when they are asleep he plans to kill them; that doesn't sound like a trustworthy hobbit to me.

The Schemer:Gollum is the schemer too. He like I said before makes plans with his good side to kill Sam and Frodo when they reach the tunnel. He is constantly rearranging the way they will get to Rohan and although he tries to make a deal with his evil side eventually the good in him can't resist.

Anonymous said...

what the character does is not the defining element. The defining element is WHY the character does what he does.

“Any archetype can do anything –

the question will always be why.”

that rights there is awesome.....

Anonymous said...

an archetype is a hero that u would obviously know is a hero like superman for instance, if u saw him in his superman outfit you would be able to tell her is a hero, so its i guess the way people think it should be, it is.

Anonymous said...

to follow up my entry about how an archetype is a hero that people would be able to notice is a hero, i used batman, but to use someone else, i agree wih danielle about the cheif and the badboy. I believe that frodo would fit the cheif because he is like a leader now because he has the ring and i believe that strider fits the bad boy part because he doesn't back in fear of danger like when he had to go into the cave with the mountain ghosts to ask if they would help defeat sarumon he stood right up to the leader ghost, no monkey business :)

Anonymous said...

i agree with karen when she says that gollum/smegle fits the lost soul part because he is more of an outcast and doesnt really belong but stays strong and helps for the most part

Anonymous said...

i think that the tyrant in the lord of the rings would have to be sarumon. In he whole movie he is betrayed to be cowardless and wants to destroy everyone and everything in his path to get back what he wants

Anonymous said...

that reminds me of like those crappy boy bands like nsync and backstreet boys and all that cuz its like theres this formula to how there put together and there like all the same except that the storys suck like way less the boy bands that make me want to vomit.

Anonymous said...

yeah, by the way i didnt write anything about the link because like 10 other people listed all that crap so i decided to be different and plus i didnt think anyone wanted to read about all that so congradulations, there you go. i hope your happy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah everyone pretty much got them down. They are just pretty much people who help the hero but dont get to much credit for it. Like in Lord Of The Rings. Sam was there for everything with Frodo but Frodo is really considered as the one who destroyed the ring

Anonymous said...

any hero can do anything the question is why? the reason that some heroes do their quests is to save loved ones or loved places like Spiderman saved the world and his girl. an archetype a a typical hero that every one has seen before

Anonymous said...

Yeah Heroes always have qualitites that draw people toward them, in the end you will always want them to win over the bad guy because the bad guy always has qualities that draw you away from them. It would be really insteresting to watch a movie that the bad guy wins in.

Anonymous said...

for heroes there are the bad boys, the best friends, the lost souls,and the worrier.
for villains there are the tyrants, the devils, the outcast, the evil geniuses, and the lunitics.


Anonymous said...

Heroes -
The bad boy - Aragorn.

The best friend - Sam

An archetype is an example of a type of hero. They are easy to point out and easy to find.

Anonymous said...

Heroines -
The boss, the spunky kid, the nurturer.
Many of the females in the lord of the rings take charge, such as Galadriel - she would be a boss.

Anonymous said...

Villains -
there are 16 archetypes for villains.
Some of them are the tyrant, the bastard, the devil, and the traitor.
Saruman would be a traitor.
Sauron would be a tyrant.

Anonymous said...

The archetypes are easy to understand and if I ever wanted to categorize heroes, heroines, and villains all into groups I'd know exactly which ones to enter them into.
That might be fun to do someday with video games and anime - two of my obsessions, lol.

Anonymous said...

on may 13,2008 at 4 something the anonymous, that was mariah