Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Week 12: The Heroic Adventure

Now that we have discussed the stages of a typical heroic adventure, what are some other stories you know of that follow these stages? You can include any medium: books, movies, poems, TV shows, comic books, etc.


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people that go through the heroes sheet, new and old, Batman and robin, hamlet, Superman, Romeo. they all have problems that they have to solve, if thy didn't it wouldn't be much of a story...

JThurlow said...

I think it's interesting that heroes tend to have part of their identity that is hidden until they need to know it. Think of Arthur, Harry Potter, Dorothy of Oz, Superman, ...who else could you think of?

Anonymous said...

Well... Robin Hood and Buffy are the two that pop into my head and stick because they didn't know they were heroes until they figured it out or were told. Robin Hood didn't know he was suppose to help the poor and Buffy didn't know she was a vampire slayer. They both in a way had part of their identity hidden until the perfect moment and it was discovered.

Anonymous said...

Frodo's identity wasn't hidden from him, but the fact that he had to carry the Ring was hidden from him.

Also, in Seasons 4 and 5 of Buffy, interesting plot points take place. In Season 4, Buffy's boyfriend Riley is revealed to be working with a government agency called The Initiative. He never tells Buffy until they both end up fighting against each other and finding out each other's identity. This revelation gives a new plot twist to the series. Ultimately, the demise of the Initiative is what the whole season ends up being about after that point.

In Season 5 of Buffy, Buffy is given a sister named Dawn. Dawn is not really Buffy's sister; she is a magical Key that exists only to open the portals of all dimensions of the world and bleed them together to create chaos. She is mystical energy. She was stored in human form, made out of the Slayer's blood, and sent to her because they knew the Slayer would protect her with her life. Glory, the villain for the season, wanted Dawn because she was a banished Hell god who wanted to bleed the dimensions together to go home. Until Buffy's first fight with Glory, when she finds an item called the Dagonsphere, Dawn is merely seen as a nuisance and a pest- a typical little sister. It is only after Buffy realizes that the Dagonsphere is an item used to protect Dawn and Buffy(keeping Glory away from both), and a monk (who helped make Dawn) telling Buffy about who Dawn is, we realize that Dawn has much more importance than was originally thought. The battle to protect Dawn later culminates in Buffy throwing herself off of a tower to protect Dawn, sacrificing herself. (Since the monks made Dawn out of Buffy, Buffy's blood could shut the portals and save the world.)

Those are the biggest ones I could think of.

Anonymous said...

yes batman, spiderman, that one sponge bob movie, even daredevil. then even harry potter. (i HATE those movies!)


Anonymous said...

Some stories that go through the heroic stages are the Naruto Movie, The Super Hero movie and Eragon

Anonymous said...

Some stories that go through the heroic stages are the Naruto Movie, The Super Hero movie and Eragon

Anonymous said...

Brittany- I don't really get this question but my opinioun but I think underdog has kind of the same adventure like his call to adventure is he gets tooken to a dog kennel and a evil scientist experiments on him and he becomes super.

Anonymous said...

The only show that i can think of that really has all the stages of a heroic adventure is the show Charmed, they are always having calls to adventures and having battles with demons. A movie where i think they have followed the stages of adventures is the movie Transformers.

Anonymous said...

i agree with danielle about buffy and robin hood, in the begining buffy didn't know that she was meant to be a vampire slayer or that she had a purpose and robin didnt really think of himself as a hero but someone that was helping someone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah identity is a huge think noone would ever expect these normal people to be doing different things in there free time. Like spiderman if you really think about it what spiderman looks like when he isn't in his costume, A small scrawny nerd. Who would ever expect he is out saving the world?

Anonymous said...

there are a lot of people that are straight forword with their appearance and there are others that hide their appearance a lot of heroes are heroes because of the things they do and they have to go through certain things to get to be who they are for example there is the soldiers that are working to keep america safe, then there are nurses and doctors helping the wounded to save their lives. then in the imaginary world their is spiderman who saves the world a billion times and the fantastic four that save the world too.


Anonymous said...

I think of Charm the TV show that goes throught the heoric adventure. They save the day everyday and they don't even realize it. They have to go through some rough patches but in the end they always come out on top.

Anonymous said...

Some one mentioned Eragon as going through the stages. I like that movie. He certainly goes through all the stages. I can remember him trying to get out of his destiny kind of like what Frodo does. He tried to give Gandalf the ring back.

Anonymous said...

there are way too many to list. most of the movies and books that are written fallow this formula or one similar to it. you can tell really easily if you apply the formula to a movie and think about it.

Anonymous said...

I could think of many heroes that go through that.
Harry Potter, Hero (Gundam Wing) Naruto and Sasuke (Naruto).
I usually thing of heroes in anime because I watch a lot of it.
I read a lot too.
Ed in I am the messanger goes through all the stages too.

Anonymous said...

Most heroes hide themselves though.
I think if they have special powers they should show them!